The challenge of meeting a stranger every day from July 9th until July 31st is over. What an experience! God used it to teach me some things about human nature, relationships, my own personal fears and selfishness. He taught me a little bit about words that work with strangers, and approaches that won't. He revealed to me, some of His awesome artistry by letting me peek into some amazing lives. It was like He was a proud Papa saying,
"Come over here and meet my son, Jake. He's so great and I love him so much. Talk to him and you'll see!" OR
"Kathy, I am pleased to introduce you to My amazing daughter, Sylvia! Ta da!!" What a privilege it has been to meet so many wonders!
Part of the motivation for this challenge was a longing I share among our church leadership to get beyond ourselves, break out of our comfort zones, and get in the habit of connecting with those outside of our sphere. I was getting a little frustrated by our seeming inability to break outside ourselves when the Lord said to me,
"Uh huh. So what are YOU going to do about it?" I've thought about reasons we DON'T connect. What keeps us from doing what we know we're called to do? I basically had just two reasons that were true of myself:
Too busy. Connecting isn't a high enough priority for me because it interupts my plans for the day. Ack. What an awful revelation. I learned in very specific and miraculous ways, that as I laid down my own time agenda, and intentionally pursued others, the Lord was busily meeting my needs "behind my back"- even healing deep unhealed wounds in wonderous ways. (More on this in a later blog post.)
Too fearful. No one likes rejection. What if they don't want to connect or worse, what if they think I'm weird for being some sort of abnormal friendly person? It happens, but I remind myself that God loves me, and called me to this. People rejected His love; surely there are those who will reject my "Hello." Thankfully - that is not always true.
Beyond teaching me these things, the Lord helped me break out of an old pattern of relating to strangers, and set me on a life-long course of seeing beyond my own world, reaching out, and beginning a conversation with people I've never met before. (I hope it's life-long!)
Yesterday, the Lord reminded me of myself as a little 5 year old girl in kindergarten. I was a painfully timid child, who was terrified of my own shadow and couldn't bear to speak outloud in class. The picture I saw of myself yesterday, was of me sitting against a wall, with my head down, hoping to go unnoticed. The Lord spoke to me,
"If you were in that classroom right now, what would you do?" "Well, I would walk over to that little girl, sit down next to her, and ask her her name. Eventually I would hope to tell her how very special she is because God made her, and He loves her." I sensed the Lord smile at me at my response, agreeing.
"You're right. I loved her then and I love you now. Feed my lambs." (What a great Dad, we have!)
Here are several things I've learned in these past three weeks about connecting with strangers. I'm sharing them with anyone who might be interested in going for it as well:
Pray and ask the Lord to introduce you to His pick and trust Him for the words to intiate a conversation.
People long for relationship. They were created for it.
I learned that people
like to talk about themselves - so let them. They're fascinating! I do sense a "disconnect" if the conversation focuses on me - except for those people who are natural connectors and really seem interested in what I have to say.
Make it a priority to
remember their name. I would say it back to myself in my mind several times, even while they were talking to me so that I could remember it. Then I would actually USE it in conversation. People really like to be remembered. "I'll see ya later Glenn. Have a nice trip!" At the beginning of this challenge, remembering names was difficult for me so I would write them down somewhere after our conversation was done. It has become easier over the course of 3 weeks. If an individual has a name tag, it makes it monumentally easier - so take notice of any name tags!
If you're looking for a good "pond to fish in",
go to a market or fair. You have a better chance of running into people who have a little time on their hands. They tend to be more willing to stop and chat. People who are selling stuff are easy connections, but the conversation can't get too far because they're busy at their 'jobs'. People who are sitting at tables representing an organization or other service are easy connections since they aren't really selling anything - just manning a booth.
If you're able, begin the connection with something that you can assume is of
interest to them:
A person with a puppy, a grandma pushing a stroller, a young person (about their future plans), etc.
Keep your eye on the ball: the goal is not that you get a connection (and therefore you fulfill your agenda) - the goal is to
be Jesus to people. It may not start by raising the dead - it might start by saying, "Hi". I found if I felt satisfied that I completed my "assignment", I would force myself to make another connection because I didn't want it to be an assigment to meet my personal daily goal. I wouldn't want to disrespect my new unmet friends by using them to meet my ends.
The Lord has introduced me to a new way of relating to people I don't know and although the month is over, I intend on continuing to look for opportunities to connect, letting Jesus teach me how to do this thing. My new goal is to allow the Spirit to guide me towards discussion about eternal things. People are worth the time and effort it takes to connect and every one of them has a specific need that is always and only met in Jesus. God, give me grace and words to share Your love, more and more.
It's August 1st...and I met Donna. A single woman who lives near York and works for a small electrical company in Rochester...