Today I had a few good connections - but only one with a complete stranger. Her name is Roxanne and she lives in town here. I saw her sitting on a bench at the park and I sensed the Lord say, "Go connect." So, I walked up and sat next to her - commenting first on the cute little puppy she had with her. She has one son, age 30 and a daughter, age 21 who also live nearby. Her son is married and he and his wife are out of town for a few days - but they were worried about their new little 8 week old puppy so Roxanne offered to be "Grandma" for the cute little guy. (VERY CUTE) The little pup's name is Luke. What's funny, is that her cat's name is also Luke. (Of course I had to tell her that my 17 year old son's name is ALSO Luke.) It was evident that Roxanne wishes she had grandchildren, but she's not sure her children will be interested in it at all. Her siblings have grandchildren and she's feeling like she's missing out. For now, "Luke" the pup is filling her need, but I could hear the deeper longing for grandchildren. I tried to encourage her by saying her children were still relatively young, and may find a growing desire for children. :) She thanked me for stopping to talk with her. Oh Lord - thanks for directing me to Roxanne. Hear the longing of her heart - and Father, reveal the longing of Your heart for her.
The other couple of connections are worth mentioning - only because they seemed significant for me. One was Landon - a young man who married my good friend, Tammy. I met him once in June, but that interaction was nothing more than "Hi, glad to meet you." Then on the day of their wedding, I did say, "Congratulations" nothing majorly significant. Today I had the pleasure of talking with both he and his beautiful bride and found out what a really great guy he is. His passion is ministry, his message is the gospel, and he seems to have a very vital relationship with the Lord. I loved hearing about his experiences as a missionary to Mexico, and hearing about his vision for the future!
And then I happened to run into "Beth" - a young lady I haven't seen for years, and one I barely ever connected with in the past. Whenever I think about these sorts of interactions -- reconnections with past semi-acquaintanances, I am saddened that I didn't try then, what I'm intentional about now...reaching out, connecting, and really listening to these almost-friends. Today, Beth and I were suddenly face to face and she responded with a great big smile and a great big "Hi!" Both of us ended up talking a mile a minute trying to catch up as though we'd always related this way, but you know what? We never had. We jumped into a relationship connection as though it had been previously established and it all started with a great big smiley, "Hi!" :)
Lord make me approachable - and make me bold in love.
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