You would think a Sunday would be relatively easy to have a stranger connection, but not so today. First, there were relatively few strangers in the congregation today. I actually received a text from a friend asking me to try to connect with two particular strangers, but because others were jumping in to meet these two, I thought I would wait for a more convenient time to introduce myself. I did attempt to meet one other stranger who had been lingering a bit after service but I found it enormously difficult because she didn't seem at all interested. I suppose it might be daunting to have a bunch of smiley Christians all clamoring to welcome you - maybe even get you saved. :) I had kind of been counting on church for my stranger connection today, oh well.
This afternoon, we held a baby shower for my daughter-in-law, and although we had 40 people there, I pretty much knew everyone. I was able to connect with some folks I haven't connected with for a while - I was more intentional about it and think that's important. I even connected with one person I hadn't really met before today, however, we also didn't have much a conversation so I won't count that. It's odd how I spent so much time with a large number of people, but I was unable to connect with a stranger on any meaninful level during that time.
I was exhausted after the shower, and just wanted to crash at home with my family, I knew I was still missing my day's stranger connection - and so I ventured off to the local grocery store to wander around, and pick up a few items while hoping to bump into someone willing to get past "Hi" with me. I was so tired, I decided to just check out and in my head, I began to formulate my day's blog entitled "Day 3 - Failure" :) however -- I met Sylvia in line. (Yay, Sylvia!) I got caught up in so much conversation with Sylvia, I had to let other people go in front of me while we continued chatting. Sylvia is a middle aged school teacher and proud new grandmother of a 7 pound, 4 ounce baby boy, born this past week at Highland Hospital in Rochester to her second born son and daughter in law who reside in Scottsville. This is her first grandchild and you could tell from her beaming smile. Maybe that's why it was easy to connect - because I was wearing the same smile having just come from my daughter in law's baby shower. I find that it's easier to connect with someone who you have something in common just have to find that commonground as early in the conversation as possible in order to keep the ball rolling. I also found that if you keep the focus on the stranger's life, rather than telling her all about your life, she remains engaged in the conversation. (Interstingly, I also had a decent connection with my check out guy, Jordan, but I won't elaborate on it here. Just to say, on a day when I thought I'd have no connections, I ended up having far.
Lord, help me keep my eyes and ears open!!
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