Thursday, December 9, 2010

Taking time

I have a good friend, Aaron, who said something to me a few days ago, that has stuck with me. He said, "We're all too busy. We need to encounter Jesus every single day!" I couldn't agree more, though I confess my busy-ness sometimes consumes the day so quickly in the morning, that I don't say much more to the Lord than "Hi" and "Bye" before I'm off and running. To be quite honest, this is not an unusual occurrence for the last month of the year. Sometimes I find myself trying to get "reacquainted" with the Lord in January. It's ironic to me that the season, which is devoted to recalling and honoring the birth of our Savior, gets so filled with activities surrounding our celebration, that we forget to actually take the time to encounter Jesus, our Immanuel. He is my everything - and I want Him as part of my every day.

I wonder what you think of when you hear the word "encounter". I think of something that consists of more than "Hi" and "Bye". Encountering the Lord takes intentional pursuit of Him, though He is not far and certainly not shielded from us. It requires that I stop what I'm doing, stop the lists I'm making in my head, stop doing the 'next thing' and sit down. I'm not sure it requires words, on the other hand, I find when I fix my gaze upon Jesus, consider who He is and His love for me, words sort of naturally flow as a response from my heart. Jesus.

I believe it also requires that I take time to listen. Listen to His still, small voice and receive His life flow into my heart. It means for me, a reconsecration to His purpose and will for my day, my week, my life. "Ahhh, this is all about You, Jesus. I love You. Show me Your heart." Encounter means we sit together for a while and connect. "

Take a minute (or two or ten) and consider Who Jesus Is - today, right now. Hear Him and respond to Him, deeply. Take a moment now to let His life and love flow freely in you and let it fill you with joy, peace, strength and all the grace you need for this day. And then return your love for Him in sincere worship - if only for this moment.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you... we need to be reminded of this from time to time!
