Monday, December 6, 2010

Keep Christmas in December!

So here's a short but helpful hint to simplifying Christmas and decreasing the stress load...

Consumer Reports just released a study that found 13.6 million Americans are still paying of credit card debt from the 2009 holidays. (I got this from Dave Ramsey.)

He wisely reminds us to keep Christmas in December! We need to remind ourselves and our loved ones that little Johnny won't become an axe murderer just because he didn't get some plastic stuff for Christmas. Let's commit to buy what we can afford based on our budget, then draw a line and stick to it! I think our Christmas holidays will be merrier, and we will enjoy less stress knowing that we gave out of what we had - and not what we borrowed. May God provide for your needs and grant you wisdom to know where the line is on spending this Christmas season.

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