Thursday, December 27, 2012

“Merry Christmas. May your day be filled with reflections of our humble God.” 

This was a Christmas message I read on Facebook the other day.   I was caught a little off guard by the concept of “our humble God” and as was wished upon me, my day was filled with reflections upon: Our humble God. 

The part of this greeting that most caught my mind and heart was how God is described.  He’s ours and more than that, He is humble.  Honestly, my first reaction was to resist the concept, worried that we were getting close to falling off a theological cliff.  Humble God? What?  That can’t be right. God is so…well, so great!  Perhaps I have a poor, weak concept of humility. As the words began to sink in, I realized that once again, our God was unveiling an unspeakable mystery about who He is.   I am awestruck by so wondrous a thought - His humility is profound, almost too much. 

Consider mankind – better yet, consider yourself.   Who are we, that God would acknowledge us and our deep need?   Please understand that I am not trying to make anyone feel like a worthless worm.  Our value is authenticated by the image of God stamped upon each living soul.  Yet, He is infinite, and we are puny. "We are but dust." But even beyond our state as small, created beings lies the harsh reality that we are a deeply fallen people, every one of us.  We rejected the very one who made us, shunned our only Hope by saying, “I’ll be doing life on my own, thank you very much.”  In our selfishness, we wandered far from God, each of us corroded by the blackness of grotesque sin.  And yet…

“God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8


Forgiveness requires humility.  Anyone who has willingly chosen mercy over judgment will tell you that it’s simply not natural to release a sinner from their debt.  If you’ve been on the giving end of mercy then you are keenly aware of the humility required.  But just imagine an absolutely perfect Creator God CHOOSING to forgive that which He would have every right to judge.  Imagine this righteous God choosing to give freedom to the sinner rather than to condemn him.  Yes - that’s our humble God.

Now Consider God.  Or rather – try.  Creator. Majestic. Glorious. Holy. Eternal. Almighty. Humble. 

What we needed was more than forgiveness – we needed atonement.   Someone – and not just any Someone, but a perfect glorious Son - to stand in our place, to take the hit, to willingly receive absolute lethal punishment for our sin.  This kind of sacrifice would require an unimaginable, never-before-seen, depth of humility.  Unfathomable!  Our great God becomes puny man for you and for me.

This Majestic, Glorious, Holy, Eternal God chose to put aside divinity, don human frailty in the form of a helpless infant born in a stable one night, alone and dependent, subjecting Himself to life among those who have wandered – those who hate.  Seriously, who does that? 

Our humble God, that’s who.   

“Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death- even death on a cross!”  Phil 2:6-8

But why?  Why does Divinity choose humility even to the point of death when He could have justly walked away from us all? 

Because Love wins.

Love is the foundation of everything He is – His glory, His holiness, His majesty and yes, His humility.  In love He forgives us and in love He saves us.   In love He chose crazy unthinkable humility, condescending to the lowest of lows in order that we might be lifted up to the highest of highs, that is, with Him.   Love.

Because He chose humility, we can also choose humility.
Because He forgives us, we can forgive others.
Because He loves us, we can love others.
That’s freedom.  That’s salvation.

That’s our Humble God.