Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Andy and I had the opportunity to travel with our youngest son, Sam, to Italy earlier this month. Our primary purpose was to visit our daughter, Laura and her husband Zach who is an officer in the U.S. Air Force and stationed in Aviano - but our secondary purpose was to see as much of Italy as we could inside of two weeks. In the end, we visited 6 countries, saw many amazing sights and ate the most incredibly delicious food! We were very grateful for this tremendous opportunity and know we'll never forget the adventure!

We made every attempt to share snippets of our journey on facebook as often as we could throughout our time there, and many friends have expressed their appreciation for the ability to vicariously follow us on our travels. For those who might be interested in more...we are sharing here, the fuller slide-show version of our overseas trip. It may start automatically - so be sure to roll your cursor over the program below, turn your speakers on, and click back to the beginning if you missed the first couple of slides while reading this! The first slide starts with "OUR TRIP TO ITALY DECEMBER 2011". (Flash player is required.)

We pray you will enjoy a happy, grace-filled, vision-fulfilling NEW YEAR! God bless you!

Andy and Kathy