Sunday, September 25, 2011


On occasion, I have the opportunity to talk with friends who are struggling and facing serious issues, and are seeking counsel and direction. I whisper a prayer to the Lord for His wisdom, and I often sense Him directing me to share a testimony from my own journey towards wholeness. He causes me to recall change points when I was brought to the end of myself and He came in as the Hero of my heart. For instance, I may recount the time when I seriously struggled with unbelief, and Jesus came to me by His Spirit and spoke truth to my heart which brought freedom. Or He might ask me to tell the story of victory over fear that came when Jesus touched my mind and heart with truth and love. Or perhaps the time when my heart was broken over the death of my dear friend, and the healing I found as my Father held me close, and reminded me that she is home and happy with Him.

Everyone struggles, but each of those struggles are as diverse as the individuals who have them. When we wrestle with issues, we just want to find the “How to” list that describes how we can get out of those difficult things with minimal pain and suffering. But, there is no “How to” list. How the Lord chose and chooses to heal me, may not be the same way He chooses to heal or free others. However, generally speaking, I believe He does use the same "method" when He brings healing to His children. Encounter.

Remember the woman with the issue of blood? For twelve years she suffered, seeking help from every possible health care provider available to her. Unfortunately, she remained in her shameful condition, and found herself near despair….until Jesus came to town. She heard the Healer was walking down her street and although it was unlawful for her to even share the same air-space as her fellow Jewish friends and family, she ran into the crowd. In desperation and risking being trampled, she lunged forward simply to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe. When she did this, power flowed through Jesus and He felt it. He stopped and looked at her in amazement. “Daughter, your faith has made you well! Go in peace and healing!” From that moment on – that moment where she touched Him in her need, and He touched her with His loving power, an exchange of healing happened. Encounter happened and healing resulted.

She was in need. And in a combination of desperation and faith, she cried out to Jesus which resulted in a life-changing encounter with the King of kings. When I look back on my own journey of healing, I realize that those awful struggles brought me to a place of desperate need. Struggle and need are not the problem - those things may be the motivation we need to reach out for the One who is walking down our street. It is in the ENCOUNTER that we find wholeness. Not in a list of dos and don’ts. It's not found in our goodness or ability to compensate for our weaknesses. It's also not found in exploring all of our bad memories or singing the right songs or reading the right scriptures….not that those are wrong things to do. They just will not bring you the freedom you need unless Jesus breathes on those things...unless His power touches your heart. Looking back, I can say with confidence that at every point of pain in my life that resulted in true and lasting healing, Jesus was on the scene, speaking life to my heart and bringing me freedom. It is in the very real ENCOUNTER with Jesus that I found and find what I so desperately need.

Are you struggling with affliction – in body, in mind, in spirit or soul? Let hope arise, run to Jesus and lunge with all your heart for His touch. I have good news, He really wants to be caught by you. He died and lives today, to bring you life and healing today.

Jeremiah 29:13-14

“…You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the LORD, and I will bring you back from your captivity…”