I watched as two older women quietly strolled down the sidewalk together on this cool, crisp day. One woman held her head up, almost gazing at the sun with a bit of a smile on her face and holding on to the arm of her friend as they walked. Her friend however, kept her serious gaze focused downward, trying to dodge icy patches and the pits and pocks in the cement of the sidewalk. I thought it an unusual sight and wondered why the one woman with the sun splashed countenance seemed so happily carefree while her friend appeared more concerned with each step along their journey, seemingly ignoring the splendor of the day.
And then it struck me.
This carefree woman was actually blind and being led by her seeing friend. She was simply enjoying the warmth and breeze, trusting her walking partner to lead her on. Not only was the seeing friend trying to dodge icy patches and uneven pocks in the cement for her own safety, but more than that, she was carefully and protectively guiding her blind friend through any and all hazards along the way. She wasn’t ignoring the beauty of the day at all. Her pleasure came as she enabled her blind friend to fully enjoy the beauty of the day by providing confidence and safety as they walked along. I think that’s a really good friend.
We have a Friend like that.
In many ways, we are quite blind to the hazards of life and if we think too much about it - the frightening, out-of-control “what ifs” out there, we may decide it’s not worth the risk to really LIVE. Instead we choose the mediocre, shallow life that may, in fact, be safer, but certainly is not abundant with the joy of life and adventure.
Do you want to go for a walk into the unknown – unsure of the direction, but confident in the Director? Do you want to feel the warmth of the sun’s rays, the breeze of the cool air, rather than stay holed up in a dingy, old comfort zone? Take His arm. Lean on Him. Trust Him for what you can’t see. His desire is for you to have life and that you have it in abundance. He knows how to dodge the hazards so that you are free to enjoy the journey; hanging on to the arm of your Friend as you stroll along. His name is Jesus, and I think He wants to go for a walk. With you.